


  1. Agenda Bashing, Note Taker
  2. Guest dialogure with Coinbase VP of Security
  3. Tasks & Issues
  4. Status update
  5. Security WG Item
  6. Tax-Pre WG
  7. 事務局移行とファインディングスキーム
  8. Inventory
  9. New WG Creation
  10. Discussion time
  11. AOB / Housekeeping


agenda1 Agenda Bashing, Note Taker

agenda2 Guest dialogure with Coinbase VP of Security

agenda3 Tasks and Issues

agenda4 Status update

agenda5 Security WG

agenda6 Tax-Pre WG

agenda7 事務局移行とファインディングスキーム

agenda8 Inventories

agenda9 New WG Creation

agenda10 Discussion time

agenda11 Next Meeting